Italian courses | Italienisch

Italian courses | Italienisch

Scambio offers Italian lessons from level A1 – beginner to C2 – advanced.

Choose from private, semi-private or group lessons.

You will have the opportunity to study the Italian language and culture in the beautiful setting of Lake Maggiore. The lessons will be designed according to the needs of the participants in terms of both content and organisation. You decide the pace of the lessons and the intensity of your learning.
Our strength is to adapt to your preferences. We will find the method that suits you best and helps you make progress. Learning Italian will be an enjoyable activity 🙂

What are you waiting for? Come and meet us!

Grate prices for groups!
Package of 10 lessons
3 – 4 PEOPLE: €190/person 5 – 8 PEOPLE: €165/person

Pair lessons:
lesson per person
Package 10 lessons: 5% discount! Total €247/person, i.e. €24.70/hour

Individual lessons:
Package 10 lessons: 5% discount! Total €361, i.e. €36.10/hour
1 lesson takes 60 minutes.

Payment in instalments possible.

NOTE: All our prices include 22% VAT.



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