
At Scambio you can find many different proposals. Find out which one is right for you!

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Wellness, languages, cooking and more. Scroll to see them in detail.

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Our scheduled courses:
view phytotherapy still life
Il metodo di cura olistico che si basa sulla legge dei simili, sull'individualità del soggetto e sullo stimolo dell'energia vitale.
The yoga practices are aimed at both people approaching this discipline for the first time and those who have been practising it for years.
You will have the opportunity to study the Italian language and culture in the beautiful setting of Lake Maggiore.
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5 giorni dedicati interamente allo studio della lingua e della cultura italiana
Classes are developed from the basic principles of Pilates: breathing, correct alignment, muscle strengthening and concentration are applied to all exercises.
high angle gua sha flower arrangement
Un corso che ti insegnerà a utilizzare la tecnica del Gua-sha
In 12 lezioni da 90 minuti imparerai ad esprimerti in situazioni quotidiane ed a partecipare a semplici conversazioni.
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