Yoga Classes

Yoga Classes

4 reasons to practise yoga:

  1. is ideal for posture, balance and flexibility
  2. increases knowledge and awareness of one’s own body
  3. teaches how to breathe and how to use the breath to best effect
  4. increases concentration and psychological resistance

Yoga practice

The yoga practices are aimed at both people approaching this discipline for the first time and those who have been practising it for years. Through postures, relaxation and breathing exercises, everyone can develop greater flexibility and physical strength, coordination, listening skills and concentration. Practising yoga contributes to feeling good and decreasing physical and mental tension levels.

What do you need?

For yoga practice, you will need comfortable clothes and a yoga mat.

Monday 90-minute class costs

Single practice: 25€/90min

Package of 10 consecutive lessons: 180€

Tuesday and Wednesday 75-minute class costs

Single practice: 20€/75min

Package of 10 consecutive lessons: 160€

Participants: maximum 12.

Three yoga classes are currently active:

  • Mondays 10.30am with Cinzia duration 90 minutes
  • Tuesday 6:30pm with Martina duration 75 minutes
  • Wednesday 7pm with Marco duration 75 minutes

Cinzia, Martina e Marco

Yoga teachers
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